Monday, December 20, 2010

My new challenge.....

I have finally given in and started counting my daily pts again for Weight Watchers.....I have done the program in the past and when sticking to it, I have ALWAYS lost the weight. Post-baby, things are just so hectic that I was convinced I would lose all the weight simply by breastfeeding. Well, I have lost all my "Grace weight" but not my "Noah weight". When I got pregnant with Grace, I was still 12 lbs heavier than I wanted and was before any children. So I started last Wednesday......Remarkably I lost almost 4 lbs already. I am also doing the workout program/game "Get Fit with Mel B" at lunchtime when they are napping. Maybe one day I will have the time to get back to running which I really started to love. Wish me luck on this journey! In general, I want to feel good about myself again.

This week, Grace tried sweet peas and pears. She didn't love the sweet peas but gobbled up the pears! Now, she is back to some sweet potatoes, which she really likes. Noah's new favorite phrase is "I love it!" He tells me when he sees the inflatables in the neighborhood. Then he says "I love the reindeer! I love the snowman!" He's so cute. His vocabulary has really picked up. Pretty much, he is speaking in complete sentences and thankfully, has started speaking in the first person. Potty training still hasn't taken off. Read to leave it alone for a while so we have. Today, he told me he wanted to sit on the toilet, so he did but nothing. He just seems scared to actually go on it. We've started telling him that Santa is coming this week...not sure he really understands but it will be the first year we will put out cookies and milk. :) Santa is going to be good to him!

1 comment:

  1. Kristi- fianlly got a chance to read your blog - it's fabulous! Congrats on your 4lbs gone! That's 16 sticks of butter!! haha.
