Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Beautiful day in December!

Well, it was a beautiful day here in SA, TX in December! mid-70's....Even though i would like it to be cooler, it was nice to take a walk with the kids. When it has been too cold in the mornings, I don't take them because I worry about not bundling them up enough. Anyhow, we started the day with introducing Grace to green beans....she did NOT like them! I can't say I blame her. They smell and taste pretty bland. All the books say to keep introducing it to her though. Then we had a quick trip to Ross for me to get a couple of workout pants. Ironically, on the way home, I stopped and got a McFlurry....My first real dairy dessert since Grace was diagnosed with her reflux. So far, she has been okay. Anyhow, I got the snack size one and Noah and I shared it. Then we went on a walk. I tried Grace in the baby carrier while I pushed the single stroller. It seemed to work okay actually. We have the jogging double stroller (which we borrowed from a friend) but the front wheel doesn't turn so it is hard to manuever. Not sure if I am doing something wrong? Then there is the traditional double stroller but it is a little cumbersome to manuever as well, so I just tried this today......

Then they napped and I got some stuff done. Noah only naps about 1.5 hours usually now while Grace naps a full 3. I tried the green beans with her again but she only took a couple bites. Then I gave her peaches and she seemed cool with that. The funniest part of the day was I decided to do my "Get Fit with Mel B" DVD for the first time with them awake. It was pure chaos. Grace was screaming and Noah didn't understand why Diego wasn't on the TV anymore. AHHH!!!!! So I just did my workout anyways, but once Noah realized it involved music, he was excited and started dancing. He was also very excited he could see me as well as himself on the TV. He danced with me/exercised for about half of it and then started doing something else. But it was very cute. He also kept pointing to Mel B and saying "mama". YEAH RIGHT! I WISH!!!!

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