Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where did February go???

I am sorry it has been so long since I have written! Time really has just gotten away from me. For 3 weeks, I was watching Jay and Liam also. Last Thursday was the last time I watched them. It was just too much work for me and so I decided not to keep it up in order to spend time with my own kids and to also be able to look for employment. They were great kiddos though and I am so happy I tried. :) Amy was disappointed but Jen (who used to watch Noah) had offered to watch them so at least Amy & Paul had an alternative. But during those 3 weeks, I was super busy and didn't have time to update this blog.

Grace cut her second tooth (on the bottom front also)! And now it is in almost as much as the first one. She is doing good but getting to be such a big girl! John and I have been putting off transitioning her from her "reflux bed" to the crib just because her sleep patterns are so good and we hated to disrupt anything. Well, Saturday morning I walked into her room and she was almost completely turned around and so I grabbed John and we both said "Looks like it's time." The first night she fussed but not for long. Nap time was the hardest but it only took about 2 days for her to get used to it. I am still paranoid since she still uses the big swaddle blanket so being a worrisome mother, I go and check on her a couple times before bed. :)

Noah really enjoyed playing with Jay while he was here so that part makes me the saddest. I got to see his interaction more with a playmate, and I have to say, I didn't realize he could be so bossy. He kept telling Jay where to go, what to play with, etc. It was quite surprising! This past weekend, we went to Beefy's Backyard since it was so nice out and we met Jen, Miguel, Brayden (Noah's BFF) and baby Addi (Grace's age). Noah and Brayden had SO MUCH FUN! Here is a video of them dancing once the DJ got there. :) It had us all cracking up!!!!!!!

Grace isn't crawling just yet but today I saw her "scoot" for the first time. She doesn't like being on her tummy much so she really just is in the sitting position and reaches really far over to grab something and then scoots her butt. I guess I should try and get it on video.

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